Adopt special anti - interference measure, suitable for all kinds of environment. Provide a variety of demo drivers and for Windows environment secondary development environment, according to user requirements to develop a variety of different types of instruction set. Magetic stripe card writer, Credit card reader, Msr605x, Magnetic strip reader writer, Usb magnetic card reader writermsr600, Mini600, Msr500m. Improvments over existing MSR605 are USB powered and support for Windows, Mac OS and Android. Msr, Msr26 ic chip emv and magnetic stripe card reader writer, Msr26 reader writer, Msr26 tutorial, Msr26 software download, Msr26 encoding software download. If you have the MSR605X version go to this page: MSR605X Driver. The device should clearly have MSR605 marked on it, this device comes in to options, USB standalone and an older version that uses a power adapter as well. Read and write multi standard cards directly, support for IBM, ISO, ANSI, DIN and other magnetic card and passbook, each rail can automatically identify for IBM and ISO format, no command control, can be used to switch write card format and the second track record density. MSR605X is the next generation of MSR605. Device ID (s) The MSR605 card readers use the Prolific PL2303 Serial-to-USB Driver to interface the card reader on Windows. Manual card swiping, support high and low speed card swiping.

The read-write status has an indicator light and a buzzer to let you know if the read-write is successful. Can simultaneously read and write multiple tracks (track 1, 2, 3), convenient and fast operation. The communication with computer and the power supply are both done via one USB cord.ġ. MSR605X is a new model of magnetic stripe card reader writer.Ĭompared to the popular model MSR605, MSR605X doesn't require an external power adapter. Full-Version: 3-Tracks, Hi-Co and Lo-Co, Read/Write/Erase